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LANGUAGE_NAME Chinese (Simplified) LANGUAGE_FILE Chinese (Simplified) LANGUAGE_ISO cs LANGUAGE_AUTHOR Brook Qin (brookqwr at sina.com) \r\n LANGUAGE_CHARSET ISO-8859-1 OK »∑∂® Cancel »°œ˚ Exit ÕÀ≥ˆ Close πÿ±’ Cancel changes »°œ˚∏¸∏ƒ Click to confirm µ„ª˜“‘»∑»œ Click to get help! µ„ª˜“‘ªÒ»°∞Ô÷˙! Click to return to previous screen µ„ª˜“‘∑µªÿ«∞“ªΔ¡ƒª Click to go to next screen µ„ª˜“‘µΩ¥Ôœ¬“ªΔ¡ƒª Hide password “˛≤ÿø⁄¡Ó Save project ±£¥Êπ§≥à Close current project? «∑Òπÿ±’µ±«∞π§≥Ã? Delete this project? …æ≥˝¥Àπ§≥Ã? Delete empty project %s? …æ≥˝ø’µƒπ§≥à %s? Action not yet implemented ≤Ÿ◊˜»‘Œ¥÷¥–– Error deleting this project …æ≥˝∏√π§≥à ±≥ˆ¥Ì Select a rule for the filter Œ™π˝¬ÀΔ˜—°»°πÊ‘Ú Enter keywords for the filter Œ™π˝¬ÀΔ˜ ‰»Îπÿº¸¥ Cancel »°œ˚ Add this rule Ã̺”∏√πÊ‘Ú Please enter one or several keyword(s) for the rule «ÎŒ™¥ÀπÊ‘Ú ‰»Î“ª÷¡º∏∏ˆπÿº¸¥ Add Scan Rule Ã̺”…®√ËπÊ‘Ú Criterion ◊º‘Ú String ◊÷∑˚¥Æ Add Ã̺” Scan Rules …®√ËπÊ‘Ú Use wildcards to exclude or include URLs or links.\nYou can put several scan strings on the same line.\nUse spaces as separators.\n\nExample: +*.zip -www.*.com -www.*.edu/cgi-bin/*.cgi π”√Õ®≈‰∑˚“‘∞¸∫¨ªÚ≈≈≥˝URLsªÚ¡¥Ω”.\n∂‡∏ˆπÊ∂®…®√ËπÊ‘Úµƒ◊÷∑˚¥Æø…–¥‘⁄Õ¨“ª––.\n π”√ø’∏Òº¸◊˜Œ™∑÷∏Ù∑˚.\n\n æ¿˝: +*.zip -www.*.com -www.*.edu/cgi-bin/*.cgi Exclude links ≈≈≥˝¡¥Ω” Include link(s) ∞¸∫¨¡¥Ω” Tip: To have ALL GIF files included, use something like +www.someweb.com/*.gif. \n(+*.gif / -*.gif will include/exclude ALL GIFs from ALL sites) ÷ æ: ”˚∞¸∫¨ƒ≥”Ú√˚œ¬µƒÀ˘”–GIFŒƒº˛, ø… ‰»Î +www.someweb.com/*.gif. \n(+*.gif / -*.gif Ω´∞¸∫¨/≈≈≥˝¿¥◊‘À˘”–’浄µƒGIFŒƒº˛) Save prefs ±£¥Ê…Ë÷√ Matching links will be excluded: Δ•≈‰µƒ¡¥Ω”Ω´±ª≈≈≥˝: Matching links will be included: Δ•≈‰µƒ¡¥Ω”Ω´±ª∞¸∫¨: Example: æ¿˝: gif\r\nWill match all GIF files gif\r\nΩ´Δ•≈‰À˘”–GIFŒƒº˛ blue\r\nWill find all files with a matching 'blue' sub-string such as 'bluesky-small.jpeg' blue\r\nΩ´≤È’“µΩÀ˘”–∞¸∫¨'blue' µƒŒƒº˛, ÷Ó»Á 'bluesky-small.jpeg' bigfile.mov\r\nWill match the file 'bigfile.mov', but not 'bigfile2.mov' bigfile.mov\r\nΩ´Δ•≈‰Œƒº˛ 'bigfile.mov', µ´≤ª∞¸¿® 'bigfile2.mov' cgi\r\nWill find links with folder name matching sub-string 'cgi' such as /cgi-bin/somecgi.cgi cgi\r\nΩ´≤È’“µΩŒƒº˛º–√˚ƒ⁄∞¸∫¨'cgi' µƒ¡¥Ω”, ÷Ó»Á /cgi-bin/somecgi.cgi cgi-bin\r\nWill find links with folder name matching whole 'cgi-bin' string (but not cgi-bin-2, for example) cgi-bin\r\nΩ´≤È’“µΩŒƒº˛º–√˚ƒ⁄∞¸∫¨'cgi-bin' µƒ¡¥Ω” (µ´cgi-bin-2 ≥˝Õ‚) someweb.com\r\nWill find links with matching sub-string such as www.someweb.com, private.someweb.com etc. someweb.com\r\nΩ´≤È’“µΩ∞¸∫¨÷Ó»Áwww.someweb.com, private.someweb.com µ»µƒ¡¥Ω” someweb\r\nWill find links with matching folder sub-string such as www.someweb.com, www.someweb.edu, private.someweb.otherweb.com etc. someweb\r\nΩ´≤È’“µΩ∞¸∫¨÷Ó»Áwww.someweb.com, www.someweb.edu, private.someweb.otherweb.com µ»µƒ¡¥Ω” www.someweb.com\r\nWill find links matching whole 'www.someweb.com' sub-string (but not links such as private.someweb.com/..) www.someweb.com\r\nΩ´≤È’“µΩ∞¸∫¨'www.someweb.com' µƒ¡¥Ω” (µ´≤ª∞¸¿®private.someweb.com/ µ») someweb\r\nWill find any links with matching sub-string such as www.someweb.com/.., www.test.abc/fromsomeweb/index.html, www.test.abc/test/someweb.html etc. someweb\r\nΩ´≤È’“µΩ»Œ∫Œ÷Ó»Á“‘œ¬µƒ¡¥Ω”: www.someweb.com/.., www.test.abc/fromsomeweb/index.html, www.test.abc/test/someweb.html µ» www.test.com/test/someweb.html\r\nWill only find the 'www.test.com/test/someweb.html' file. Note that you have to type the complete path (URL + site path) www.test.com/test/someweb.html\r\nΩ´Ωˆ≤È’“µΩ'www.test.com/test/someweb.html' Œƒº˛. ◊¢“‚«Î ‰»ÎÕÍ’˚µƒ¬∑æ∂. All links will match À˘”–µƒ¡¥Ω”∂ºΩ´Δ•≈‰ Add exclusion filter Œ™π˝¬ÀΔ˜Ã̺”≈≈≥˝πÊ‘Ú Add inclusion filter Œ™π˝¬ÀΔ˜Ã̺”∞¸∫¨πÊ‘Ú Existing filters “—∂®÷Δµƒπ˝¬À◊÷∑˚¥Æ Cancel changes »°œ˚∏¸∏ƒ Save current preferences as default values Ω´µ±«∞…Ë÷√¥ÊŒ™»± °÷µ Click to confirm µ„ª˜“‘»∑»œ No log files in %s! %s ƒ⁄Œfi»’÷挃º˛! No 'index.html' file in %s! %s ƒ⁄Œfi'index.html' Œƒº˛! Click to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier µ„ª˜“‘ÕÀ≥ˆWinHTTrack Website Copier View log files ≤Ïø¥»’÷挃º˛ Browse HTML start page ‰Ø¿¿ HTML Δ º“≥ End of mirror 浜ÒΩ· ¯ View log files ≤Ïø¥»’÷挃º˛ Browse Mirrored Website ‰Ø¿¿“—浜ҵƒÕ¯’æ New project... –¬µƒπ§≥Ã... View error and warning reports ≤Ïø¥¥ÌŒÛº∞æØ∏ʪ„±® View report ≤Ïø¥ª„±® Close the log file window πÿ±’»’÷挃º˛¥∞ø⁄ Info type: –≈œ¢¿‡–Õ: Errors ¥ÌŒÛ Infos –≈œ¢ Find ≤È’“ Find a word ≤È’““ª∏ˆµ•¥ Info log file –≈œ¢»’÷挃º˛ Warning/Errors log file æØ∏Ê/¥ÌŒÛ»’÷挃º˛ Unable to initialize the OLE system Œfi∑®≥ı ºªØOLEœµÕ≥ WinHTTrack could not find any interrupted download file cache in the specified folder! WinHTTrack Œ¥ƒ‹‘⁄÷∏∂®Œƒº˛º–ƒ⁄’“µΩ±ª÷–∂œµƒŒƒº˛œ¬‘ÿ‘§¥Ê«¯! Could not connect to provider Œfi∑®¡¨Ω”µΩÕ¯¬Á receive Ω” ’ request «Î«Û connect ¡¨Ω” search —∞’“ ready æÕ–˜ error ¥ÌŒÛ Receiving files.. Ω” ’Œƒº˛.. Parsing HTML file.. Ω‚ŒˆHTMLŒƒº˛.. Purging files.. «Â≥˝Œƒº˛.. Parsing HTML file (testing links).. Ω‚ŒˆHTMLŒƒº˛ (≤‚ ‘¡¥Ω”).. Pause - Toggle [Mirror]/[Pause download] to resume operation 浜ґ›Õ£ - «–ªª[浜Ò]/[‘›Õ£œ¬‘ÿ]“‘ºÃ–¯≤Ÿ◊˜ Finishing pending transfers - Select [Cancel] to stop now! Ω· ¯Ω¯––÷–µƒ¥´ ‰ - —°‘Ò[»°œ˚]“‘Õ£÷π scanning …®√Ë Waiting for scheduled time.. µ»¥˝‘§∂®µƒ ±º‰.. Connecting to provider ’˝‘⁄¡¨Ω”Õ¯¬Á [%d seconds] to go before start of operation ¿Î≤Ÿ◊˜ø™ ºªπ”–[%d √Î] Site mirroring in progress [%s, %d bytes] ’浄浜ÒΩ¯––÷– [%s, %d ◊÷Ω⁄] Site mirroring finished! ’浄浜ÒÕͱœ! A problem occured during the mirroring operation\n æµœÒ ±∑¢…˙¥ÌŒÛ\n \nDuring:\n \n∑¢…˙‘⁄“‘œ¬Δ⁄º‰:\n \nSee the log file if necessary.\n\nClick FINISH to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier.\n\nThanks for using WinHTTrack! \n»Á”––Ë“™«Îø¥»’÷挃º˛.\n\nµ„ª˜'Ω· ¯'“‘ÕÀ≥ˆWinHTTrack Website Copier.\n\n–ª–ª π”√WinHTTrack! Mirroring operation complete.\nClick Exit to quit WinHTTrack.\nSee log file(s) if necessary to ensure that everything is OK.\n\nThanks for using WinHTTrack! 浜ÒÕÍ≥….\nµ„ª˜'»∑∂®'“‘ÕÀ≥ˆWinHTTrack.\n»Á”––Ë“™«Îø¥»’÷挃º˛, “‘»∑±£ÕÚŒfi“ª ß.\n\n–ª–ª π”√WinHTTrack! * * MIRROR ABORTED! * *\r\nThe current temporary cache is required for any update operation and only contains data downloaded during the present aborted session.\r\nThe former cache might contain more complete information; if you do not want to lose that information, you have to restore it and delete the current cache.\r\n[Note: This can easily be done here by erasing the hts-cache/new.* files]\r\n\r\nDo you think the former cache might contain more complete information, and do you want to restore it? * * 浜ұª»°œ˚! * *\r\nµ±«∞¡Ÿ ±µƒ‘§¥Ê«¯Œ™»’∫Û∏¸–¬À˘–Ë, Ωˆ¥Ê”–¥À¥Œ±ª÷–∂œµƒæµœÒΔ⁄º‰ƒ⁄œ¬‘ÿµƒ ˝æ›.\r\n∂¯‘≠”–‘§¥Ê«¯ø…ƒ‹ª·¥Ê”–∏¸ÕÍ’˚µƒƒ⁄»›; »Áπ˚ƒ„≤ªœÎ ß»•‘≠”–µƒ ˝æ›, «Îª÷∏¥÷Æ, ≤¢…æ≥˝µ±«∞‘§¥Ê«¯.\r\n[◊¢: ”˚…æ≥˝µ±«∞‘§¥Ê«¯, Ωˆ–Ë…æ≥˝“‘œ¬Œƒº˛: hts-cache/new.*]\r\n\r\nƒ„ «∑Òøœ∂®‘≠”–‘§¥Ê«¯¥Ê”–∏¸ÕÍ’˚µƒƒ⁄»›, ≤¢œ£Õ˚ª÷∏¥÷Æ? * * MIRROR ERROR! * *\r\nHTTrack has detected that the current mirror is empty. If it was an update, the previous mirror has been restored.\r\nReason: the first page(s) either could not be found, or a connection problem occured.\r\n=> Ensure that the website still exists, and/or check your proxy settings! <= * * 浜Ò≥ˆ¥Ì!* *\r\nHTTrackºÏ≤‚µΩµ±«∞浜Ҍ¥¥¢¥Ê»Œ∫Œ ˝æ›. »Ù π”√µƒ∏¸–¬ƒ£ Ω, ‘Ú«∞“ª¥ŒæµœÒ“—±ªª÷∏¥.\r\n=> ‘≠“Ú: ◊“≥Œ¥ƒ‹’“µΩ, ªÚ∑¢…˙¡¨Ω”¥ÌŒÛ.\r\n«Î»∑∂®”˚浜ҵƒÕ¯’æ¥Ê‘⁄, ≤¢/ªÚºÏ≤È¥˙¿Ì…Ë÷√! <= \n\nTip: Click [View log file] to see warning or error messages \n\n÷ æ: µ„ª˜ [≤Ïø¥»’÷挃º˛] “‘≤Ïø¥æØ∏ʪڥ̌ۜ˚œ¢ Error deleting a hts-cache/new.* file, please do it manually …æ≥˝hts-cache/new.* Œƒº˛ ±≥ˆ¥Ì, «Î ÷π§…æ≥˝ Do you really want to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier? ’ʵƒ“™ÕÀ≥ˆWinHTTrack Website Copier ¬? - Mirroring Mode -\n\nEnter address(es) in URL box - 浜҃£ Ω -\n\n«Î‘⁄URLøÚƒ⁄ ‰»Îµÿ÷∑ - Interactive Wizard Mode (questions) -\n\nEnter address(es) in URL box - Ωªª•œÚµºƒ£ Ω (∑¢Œ ) -\n\n«Î‘⁄URLøÚƒ⁄ ‰»Îµÿ÷∑ - File Download Mode -\n\nEnter file address(es) in URL box - Œƒº˛œ¬‘ÿƒ£ Ω -\n\n«Î‘⁄URLøÚƒ⁄ ‰»ÎŒƒº˛µÿ÷∑ - Link Testing Mode -\n\nEnter Web address(es) with links to test in URL box - ¡¥Ω”≤‚ ‘ƒ£ Ω -\n\n«Î‘⁄URLøÚƒ⁄ ‰»Î∫¨”–¡¥Ω”µƒWeb“≥µÿ÷∑ - Update Mode -\n\nVerify address(es) in URL box, check parameters if necessary then click on 'NEXT' button - ∏¸–¬ƒ£ Ω -\n\n«Î∫À∂‘URLøÚ¿Ôµƒµÿ÷∑, »Á”––Ë“™«ÎºÏ≤È—°œÓ, »ª∫Ûµ„ª˜'Next' - Resume Mode (Interrupted Operation) -\n\nVerify address(es) in URL box, check parameters if necessary then click on 'NEXT' button - ºÃ–¯ƒ£ Ω (±ª÷–∂œµƒ≤Ÿ◊˜) -\n\n«Î∫À∂‘URLøÚ¿Ôµƒµÿ÷∑, »Á”––Ë“™«ÎºÏ≤È—°œÓ, »ª∫Ûµ„ª˜'Next' Log files Path »’÷挃º˛¬∑æ∂ Path ¬∑æ∂ - Links List Mode -\n\nUse URL box to enter address(es) of page(s) containing links to mirror - ¡¥Ω”±Ìƒ£ Ω -\n\n«Î‘⁄URLøÚƒ⁄ ‰»Î“≥√ʵƒµÿ÷∑, “≥√Ê÷–∫¨”–¡¥Ω”µƒ¡–±Ì, ¡–±Ì÷–À˘”–¡¥Ω”æ˘ª·±ªæµœÒ New project / Import? –¬µƒπ§≥à / µº»Î? Choose criterion —°»°Ω´Ω¯––µƒ≤Ÿ◊˜µƒ¿‡–Õ Maximum link scanning depth ◊Ó¥Û¡¥Ω”…®√Ë…Ó∂» Enter address(es) here «Î‘⁄¥À ‰»Îµÿ÷∑ Define additional filtering rules ∂®“Â∏Ωº”π˝¬ÀΔ˜πÊ‘Ú Proxy Name (if needed) ¥˙¿Ìµÿ÷∑(»Á»Ù–Ë“™) Proxy Port ¥˙¿Ì∂Àø⁄ Define proxy settings ∂®“Â¥˙¿Ì∑˛ŒÒΔ˜…Ë÷√ Use standard HTTP proxy as FTP proxy π”√±Í◊ºHTTP¥˙¿ÌÃÊ¥˙FTP¥˙¿Ì Path ¬∑æ∂ Select Path —°‘Ò¬∑æ∂ Path ¬∑æ∂ Select Path —°‘Ò¬∑æ∂ Quit WinHTTrack Website Copier ÕÀ≥ˆWinHTTrack Website Copier About WinHTTrack πÿ”⁄WinHTTrack Save current preferences as default values ±£¥Êµ±«∞…Ë÷√Œ™»± °÷µ Click to continue µ„ª˜“‘ºÃ–¯ Click to define options µ„ª˜“‘…Ë∂®—°œÓ Click to add a URL µ„ª˜“‘Ã̺”URL Load URL(s) from text file ¥”Œƒ±æŒƒº˛÷–‘ÿ»ÎURL(s) WinHTTrack preferences (*.opt)|*.opt|| WinHTTrack…Ë÷√Œƒº˛ (*.opt)|*.opt|| Address List text file (*.txt)|*.txt|| µÿ÷∑¡–±ÌŒƒ±æŒƒº˛ (*.txt)|*.txt|| File not found! Œƒº˛Œ¥’“µΩ! Do you really want to change the project name/path? ’ʵƒ“™∏ƒ±‰π§≥õƒ√˚≥ΔªÚ¬∑æ∂¬? Load user-default options? ‘ÿ»Î”√ªß∂®“µƒ»± °—°œÓ÷µ¬? Save user-default options? ¥ÊŒ™”√ªß∂®“µƒ»± °—°œÓ÷µ¬? Reset all default options? Ω´À˘”–—°œÓª÷∏¥µΩ◊Ó≥ı…Ë∂®¬? Welcome to WinHTTrack! ª∂”≠ π”√WinHTTrack! Action: ≤Ÿ◊˜: Max Depth ◊Ó¥Û…Ó∂» Maximum external depth: ◊Ó¥ÛÕ‚≤ø¡¥Ω”…Ó∂» Filters (refuse/accept links) : π˝¬ÀΔ˜ (≈≈≥˝/∞¸∫¨¡¥Ω”): Paths ¬∑æ∂ Save prefs ±£¥Ê…Ë÷√ Define.. ∂®“Â.. Set options.. —°œÓ.. Preferences and mirror options: —°œÓ…Ë∂®: Project name π§≥Ã√˚≥Δ Add a URL... Ã̺”URL.. Web Addresses: (URL) Webµÿ÷∑: (URL) Stop WinHTTrack? Õ£÷πWinHTTrack? No log files in %s! %s ƒ⁄Œfi»’÷挃º˛! Pause Download? ‘›Õ£œ¬‘ÿ? Stop the mirroring operation Õ£÷πæµœÒ Minimize to System Tray ◊Ó–°ªØ÷¡œµÕ≥Õ–≈ë¯ Click to skip a link or stop parsing µ„ª˜“‘Ã¯π˝“ª∏ˆ¡¥Ω”ªÚÕ£÷πΩ‚Œˆ Click to skip a link µ„ª˜“‘Ã¯π˝“ª∏ˆ¡¥Ω” Bytes saved “—±£¥Ê◊÷Ω⁄: Links scanned “—…®√Ë¡¥Ω”: Time: ±º‰: Connections: ¡¨Ω”: Running: ‘À––: Hide “˛≤ÿ Transfer rate ¥´ ‰ÀŸ¬ : SKIP ïπ˝ Information –≈œ¢ Files written: “—¥¢¥ÊŒƒº˛: Files updated: “—∏¸–¬Œƒº˛: Errors: ¥ÌŒÛ: In progress: Ω¯≥Ã÷–: Follow external links ◊∑ÀÊÕ‚≤ø¡¥Ω” Test all links in pages ≤‚ ‘“≥√Ê÷–µƒÀ˘”–¡¥Ω” Try to ferret out all links æ°ø…ƒ‹≤È≥ˆÀ˘”–¡¥Ω” Download HTML files first (faster) œ»œ¬‘ÿHTMLŒƒº˛ (∏¸øÏ) Choose local site structure —°‘Ò±æµÿ’æµ„Ω·ππ Set user-defined structure on disk …Ë÷√‘⁄¥≈≈Ã…œµƒ”√ªß◊‘∂®“ÂΩ·ππ Use a cache for updates and retries π”√‘§¥Ê«¯, ”√”⁄∏¸–¬∫Õ÷ÿ ‘ Do not update zero size or user-erased files ≤ª∏¸–¬¡„◊÷Ω⁄Œƒº˛ªÚ”…”√ªß…æ≥˝µƒŒƒº˛ Create a Start Page ¥¥Ω®“ª∏ˆΔ º“≥√Ê Create a word database of all html pages ∏˘æ›Õ¯“≥ π”√”Ô—‘¥¥Ω®¥ ª„ø‚Œƒº˛ Create error logging and report files ¥¥Ω®¥ÌŒÛº«¬ºº∞ª„±®Œƒº˛ Generate DOS 8-3 filenames ONLY Ωˆ…˙≥…DOSœ¬µƒ8-3Œƒº˛√˚∏Ò Ω Generate ISO9660 filenames ONLY for CDROM medias Do not create HTML error pages ≤ª¥¥Ω®HTML¥ÌŒÛ“≥√Ê Select file types to be saved to disk —°‘ÒΩ´±ª¥Ê≈õƒŒƒº˛¿‡–Õ Select parsing direction —°‘ÒΩ‚Œˆ∑ΩœÚ Select global parsing direction —°‘Ò»´æ÷Ω‚Œˆ∑ΩœÚ Setup URL rewriting rules for internal links (downloaded ones) and external links (not downloaded ones) …Ë∂®∂‘ƒ⁄≤ø¡¥Ω”(±ªœ¬‘ÿ¡¥Ω”)∫ÕÕ‚≤ø¡¥Ω”(≤ª±ªœ¬‘ÿ¡¥Ω”)µÿ÷∑∏¸÷√µƒπÊ‘Ú Max simultaneous connections ◊Ó∂‡≤¢∑¢¡¨Ω” ˝ File timeout Œƒº˛≥¨ ± Cancel all links from host if timeout occurs »Ù≥¨ ±∑¢…˙, »°œ˚À˘”–¿¥◊‘÷˜ª˙µƒ¡¥Ω” Minimum admissible transfer rate ◊Ó–°À˘‘ –̵ƒ¥´ ‰ÀŸ¬ Cancel all links from host if too slow »Ù¥´ ‰π˝¬˝, »°œ˚À˘”–¿¥◊‘÷˜ª˙µƒ¡¥Ω” Maximum number of retries on non-fatal errors ◊Ó∂‡÷ÿ ‘¥Œ ˝ (∑¢…˙∑«÷¬√¸¥ÌŒÛ ±) Maximum size for any single HTML file µ•∏ˆHTMLŒƒº˛À˘‘ –̵ƒ◊Ó¥Û≥fl¥Á Maximum size for any single non-HTML file µ•∏ˆ∑«HTMLŒƒº˛À˘‘ –̵ƒ◊Ó¥Û≥fl¥Á Maximum amount of bytes to retrieve from the Web ◊Ó∂‡À˘‘ –Ì¥”WebΩ” ’µƒ◊÷Ω⁄ ˝ Make a pause after downloading this amount of bytes œ¬‘ÿÕÍ÷∏∂®µƒ◊÷Ω⁄ ˝∫Û‘›Õ£ Maximum duration time for the mirroring operation 浜Òπ˝≥ÃÀ˘‘ –̵ƒ◊Ó≥§ ±º‰ Maximum transfer rate ◊Ó¥ÛÀ˘œfi÷Δµƒ¥´ ‰ÀŸ¬ Maximum connections/seconds (avoid server overload) √ø√Î◊Ó∂‡≤¢∑¢¡¨Ω· ˝ (∑¿÷π∑˛ŒÒΔ˜≥¨‘ÿ) Maximum number of links that can be tested (not saved!) ‘ –̺Ï≤‚µƒ◊Ó∂‡¡¥Ω” ˝ƒø(≤¢∑«±£¥Ê!) Browser identity ‰Ø¿¿Δ˜…Ì∑› Comment to be placed in each HTML file ‘⁄√ø∏ˆHTMLŒƒº˛¿ÔÃ̺”µƒ◊¢ Õ Back to starting page ªÿµΩΔ º“≥√Ê Save current preferences as default values Ω´µ±«∞…Ë÷√¥ÊŒ™»± °÷µ Click to continue µ„ª˜“‘ºÃ–¯ Click to cancel changes µ„ª˜“‘»°œ˚∏ƒ∂Ø Follow local robots rules on sites ◊Ò¥”Õ¯’浃robotsπÊ‘Ú Links to non-localised external pages will produce error pages Œ¥±æµÿªØµƒÕ‚≤ø“≥√Ê¡¥Ω”Ω´≤˙…˙¥ÌŒÛ“≥√Ê Do not erase obsolete files after update ∏¸–¬∫Û≤ª…æ≥˝∑œΔ˙µƒŒƒº˛ Accept cookies? «∑ÒΩ” ’cookies? Check document type when unknown? «∑ÒºÏ≤ÈŒ¥÷™Œƒº˛¿‡–Õ? Parse java applets to retrieve included files that must be downloaded? «∑ÒΩ‚Œˆjava”¶”√≥Öړ‘»°ªÿΔ‰÷–∞¸∫¨µƒŒƒº˛? Store all files in cache instead of HTML only Ω´À˘”–Œƒº˛Ωˆ±£¥Ê‘⁄‘§¥Ê«¯¿Ô (∑«HTML) Log file type (if generated) »’÷挃º˛¿‡–Õ (»Ù”–) Maximum mirroring depth from root address ¥”µÿ÷∑∏˘≤øø™ º◊Ó¥ÛµƒæµœÒ…Ó∂» Maximum mirroring depth for external/forbidden addresses (0, that is, none, is the default) Õ‚≤ø/∑«∑®µÿ÷∑浜ҵƒ◊Ó¥Û…Ó∂»(»± °Œ™0, º¥≤ªæµœÒ) Create a debugging file ¥¥Ω®“ª∏ˆµ˜ ‘Œƒº˛ Use non-standard requests to get round some server bugs π”√∑«±Í◊º«Î«Û“‘±‹√‚ƒ≥–©∑˛ŒÒΔ˜¥ÌŒÛ Use old HTTP/1.0 requests (limits engine power!) π”√æ…µƒ HTTP/1.0 «Î«Û (Ω´œfi÷Δ浜҃‹¡¶!) Attempt to limit retransfers through several tricks (file size test..) ‘“‘»Ù∏… ÷∂Œœfi÷Δ‘Ÿ¥´ÀÕ (»ÁÕ®π˝Œƒº˛¥Û–°≤‚ ‘) Write external links without login/password ±£¥Ê¡¥Ω” ±≤ª–∫¬∂µ«¬Ω√˚/ø⁄¡Ó Write internal links without query string ∏ƒ–¥ƒ⁄≤ø¡¥Ω” ±≤ªœ‘ æ ‰»Îµƒ’À∫≈–≈œ¢ Get non-HTML files related to a link, eg external .ZIP or pictures ±£¥ÊÀ˘”–÷∏œÚ∑«HTMLŒƒº˛µƒ¡¥Ω”, ¿˝»ÁÕ‚≤øµƒZIPŒƒº˛ªÚÕºΔ¨Œƒº˛ Test all links (even forbidden ones) ≤‚ ‘À˘”–¡¥Ω” (º¥ π±ªΩ˚÷πµƒ) Try to catch all URLs (even in unknown tags/code) ‘Õº≤∂ªÒÀ˘”–µƒURLs (º¥ π¥Ê‘⁄”⁄Œ¥÷™µƒ±Í ∂∑˚ªÚ¥˙¬Îƒ⁄) Get HTML files first! ◊œ»±£¥ÊHTMLŒƒº˛! Structure type (how links are saved) Ω·ππ¿‡–Õ (¡¥Ω”±£¥Êµƒ∑Ω Ω) Use a cache for updates π”√‘§¥Ê«¯“‘±„»’∫Û∏¸–¬ Do not re-download locally erased files ≤ª‘Ÿœ¬‘ÿ‘⁄±æµÿ“—±ª…æ≥˝µƒŒƒº˛ Make an index ¥¥Ω®“ª∏ˆ index.html Œƒº˛ Make a word database ¥¥Ω®¥ ª„ø‚ Log files »’÷挃º˛ DOS names (8+3) DOS Œƒº˛√˚∏Ò Ω (8+3) ISO9660 names (CDROM) No error pages ≥˝»•¥ÌŒÛ“≥ Primary Scan Rule ◊“™…®√ËπÊ‘Ú Travel mode ––Ω¯ƒ£ Ω Global travel mode »´æ÷––Ω¯ƒ£ Ω These options should be modified only exceptionally “‘œ¬—°œÓ÷ª‘⁄Ãÿ ‚«Èøˆœ¬–fi∏ƒ Activate Debugging Mode (winhttrack.log) ΔÙ∂ص˜ ‘ƒ£ Ω (¥¥Ω®winhttrack.log) Rewrite links: internal / external ∏¸÷√¡¥Ω”: ƒ⁄≤ø / Õ‚≤ø Flow control ¡˜¡øøÿ÷Δ Limits œfi÷Δ Identity …Ì∑› HTML footer HTML“≥Ω≈ N# connections ¡¨Ω” ˝ Abandon host if error »Ù∑¢…˙¥ÌŒÛ, ‘Ú∑≈Δ˙∫Õ÷˜ª˙µƒ¡¨Ω” Minimum transfer rate (B/s) ◊Ó–°¥´ ‰¬ (◊÷Ω⁄/√Î) Abandon host if too slow »Ù¥´ ‰π˝¬˝, ‘Ú∑≈Δ˙∫Õ÷˜ª˙µƒ¡¨Ω” Configure ≈‰÷√ Use proxy for ftp transfers π”√¥˙¿ÌΩ¯––ftp¥´ ‰ TimeOut(s) ≥¨ ± Retries ÷ÿ ‘ Size limit ¥Û–°œfi÷Δ Max size of any HTML file (B) µ•∏ˆHTMLŒƒº˛µƒ◊Ó¥Û≥fl¥Á Max size of any non-HTML file µ•∏ˆ∑«HTMLŒƒº˛µƒ◊Ó¥Û≥fl¥Á Max site size 浜Ғ浄◊Ó¥Û≥fl¥Á Max time ◊Ó≥§ ±º‰ Save prefs ±£¥Ê…Ë÷√ Max transfer rate ◊Ó¥Û¥´ ‰ÀŸ¬ Follow robots.txt ◊Ò ÿ robots.txt πÊ‘Ú No external pages ≤ª≤˙…˙Õ‚≤ø“≥√Ê Do not purge old files ≤ª«Â≥˝∑œΔ˙Œƒº˛ Accept cookies Ω” ’cookies Check document type ºÏ≤ÈŒƒº˛¿‡–Õ Parse java files Ω‚ŒˆjavaŒƒº˛ Store ALL files in cache ±£¥ÊÀ˘”–Œƒº˛‘⁄‘§¥Ê«¯ƒ⁄ Tolerant requests (for servers) ‘ –Ì∂‘∑˛ŒÒΔ˜µƒ∑«æ´»∑«Î«Û Update hack (limit re-transfers) ∏¸–¬ ±≤…»°Δ‰À˚ ÷∂Œ∑¿÷π÷ÿ∏¥œ¬‘ÿ Force old HTTP/1.0 requests (no 1.1) «ø÷Δ π”√æ…µƒHTTP/1.0«Î«Û (≤ª≤…”√1.1) Max connections / seconds √ø√Î◊Ó∂‡¡¨Ω” ˝ Maximum number of links ◊Ó∂‡…®√Ë¡¥Ω” Pause after downloading.. ‘›Õ£”⁄√øœ¬‘ÿ.. Hide passwords “˛≤ÿø⁄¡Ó Hide query strings “˛≤ÿ’À∫≈–≈œ¢ Links ¡¥Ω” Build ππ‘Ï Experts Only ∏flº∂ Flow Control ¡˜¡øøÿ÷Δ Limits œfi÷Δ Browser ID ‰Ø¿¿Δ˜±Í ∂ Scan Rules …®√ËπÊ‘Ú Spider À——∞ Log, Index, Cache »’÷æ, À˜“˝, ‘§¥Ê«¯ Proxy ¥˙¿Ì Do you really want to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier? ’ʵƒ“™ÕÀ≥ˆWinHTTrack Website Copier ¬? Do not connect to a provider (already connected) “—¡¨Ω”µΩÕ¯¬Á Do not use remote access connection ≤ª π”√‘∂≥á¨Ω” Schedule the mirroring operation ‘§∂®Ω¯––浜ҵƒ ±º‰ Quit WinHTTrack Website Copier ÕÀ≥ˆWinHTTrack Website Copier Back to starting page ªÿµΩΔ º“≥√Ê Click to start! µ„ª˜“‘ø™ º! No saved password for this connection! ∏√¡¨Ω”»±…Ÿ“—±£¥Êµƒ√‹¬Î! Can not get remote connection settings Œfi∑®ªÒ»°‘∂≥á¨Ω”µƒ…Ë÷√ Select a connection provider «Î—°‘Ò“ª∏ˆ¡¨Ω” Start ø™ º Please adjust connection parameters if necessary,\nthen press FINISH to launch the mirroring operation. »Á”––Ë“™«Î–fi∏ƒ¡¨Ω”≤Œ ˝,\n»ª∫Û∞¥ 'ÕÍ≥…' ø™ ºæµœÒ Save settings only, do not launch download now. ≤ª¡¢º¥Ω¯––浜Ò, Ωˆ±£¥Êµ±«∞…Ë÷√ On hold π“Δ Transfer scheduled for: (hh/mm/ss) ‘§∂®æµœÒø™ º”⁄: (µ„/∑÷/√Î) Start ø™ º Connect to provider (RAS) ¡¨Ω”µΩÕ¯¬Á(‘∂≥á¨Ω”∑˛ŒÒΔ˜) Connect to this provider π”√∏√¡¨Ω”: Disconnect when finished ÕÍ≥… ±∂œµÙ¡¨Ω” Disconnect modem on completion ÕÍ≥… ±∂œµÙµ˜÷ΔΩ‚µ˜Δ˜ \r\n(Please notify us of any bug or problem)\r\n\r\nDevelopment:\r\nInterface (Windows): Xavier Roche\r\nSpider: Xavier Roche\r\nJavaParserClasses: Yann Philippot\r\n\r\n(C)1998-2002 Xavier Roche and other contributors\r\nMANY THANKS for translation tips to:\r\nRobert Lagadec (rlagadec@yahoo.fr) \r\n(”–»Œ∫Œ≥Öڥ۪̌ڌ «Ρ™œµŒ“√«)\r\n\r\nø™∑¢:\r\nΩÁ√Ê…ËºΔ (Windows): Xavier Roche\r\nΩ‚Œˆ“˝«Ê: Xavier Roche\r\nJavaΩ‚Œˆ“˝«Ê: Yann Philippot\r\n\r\n(C)1998-2002 Xavier Roche and other contributors\r\n∏––ª:\r\nRobert Lagadec (rlagadec@yahoo.fr) ÷π©∑≠“κº«… About WinHTTrack Website Copier πÿ”⁄WinHTTrack Website Copier Please visit our Web page «Î∑√Œ Œ“√«µƒ÷˜“≥ Wizard query œÚµºÃ·Œ Your answer: ƒ„µƒ¥∞∏: Link detected.. ºÏ≤‚µΩ¡¥Ω”.. Choose a rule «Î—°‘ÒπÊ‘Ú Ignore this link ∫ˆ¬‘¥À¡¥Ω” Ignore directory ∫ˆ¬‘¥Àƒø¬º Ignore domain ∫ˆ¬‘¥À”Ú√˚ Catch this page only Ωˆœ¬‘ÿ¥À“≥ Mirror site 浜Ғ浄 Mirror domain 浜ҔÚ√˚ Ignore all »´≤ø∫ˆ¬‘ Wizard query œÚµºÃ·Œ NO ∑Ò File Œƒº˛ Options —°œÓ Log »’÷æ Window ¥∞ø⁄ Help ∞Ô÷˙ Pause transfer ‘›Õ£¥´ ‰ Exit ÕÀ≥ˆ Modify options –fi∏ƒ—°œÓ View log ≤Ïø¥»’÷æ View error log ≤Ïø¥¥ÌŒÛ»’÷æ View file transfers ≤Ïø¥Œƒº˛¥´ ‰ Hide “˛≤ÿ About WinHTTrack Website Copier πÿ”⁄WinHTTrack Website Copier Check program updates... ºÏ≤È∞ʱæ∏¸–¬... &Toolbar π§æfl¿∏ &Status Bar ◊¥Ã¨¿∏ S&plit ∑÷∏Ó File Œƒº˛ Preferences …Ë÷√ Mirror æµœÒ Log »’÷æ Window ¥∞ø⁄ Help ∞Ô÷˙ Exit ÕÀ≥ˆ Load default options ‘ÿ»Î◊‘∂®“»± °—°œÓ Save default options ¥ÊŒ™◊‘∂®“»± °—°œÓ Reset to default options ª÷∏¥‘≠ º…Ë∂® Load options... ‘ÿ»Î—°œÓ... Save options as... ±£¥Ê—°œÓ... Language preference... ΩÁ√ʔԗ‘…Ë÷√... Contents... ƒ⁄»›... About WinHTTrack... πÿ”⁄WinHTTrack... New project\tCtrl+N –¬µƒπ§≥Ã\tCtrl+N &Open...\tCtrl+O &¥Úø™...\tCtrl+O &Save\tCtrl+S &±£¥Ê\tCtrl+S Save &As... ±£¥Ê—°œÓ... &Delete... &…æ≥˝... &Browse sites... &‰Ø¿¿“—浜Ғ浄... User-defined structure ”√ªß◊‘∂®“ÂΩ·ππ %n\tName of file without file type (ex: image)\r\n%N\tName of file including file type (ex: image.gif)\r\n%t\tFile type only (ex: gif)\r\n%p\tPath [without ending /] (ex: /someimages)\r\n%h\tHost name (ex: www.someweb.com)\r\n%M\tMD5 URL (128 bits, 32 ascii bytes)\r\n%Q\tMD5 query string (128 bits, 32 ascii bytes)\r\n%q\tMD5 small query string (16 bits, 4 ascii bytes)\r\n\r\n%s?\tShort name (ex: %sN) %n\t≤ª∫¨¿©’π√˚µƒŒƒº˛√˚(»Á: image)\r\n%N\t∫¨”–¿©’π√˚µƒŒƒº˛√˚(»Á: image.gif)\r\n%t\tΩˆ¿©’π√˚(»Á: gif)\r\n%p\t¬∑æ∂[ŒfiŒ≤ÀÊ'/'] (»Á: /someimages)\r\n%h\t÷˜ª˙√˚(»Á: www.someweb.com)\r\n%M\tMD5 URL (128Œª, 32 ascii ◊÷Ω⁄)\r\n%Q\tMD5 query string (128Œª, 32 ascii ◊÷Ω⁄)\r\n%q\tMD5 small query string (16Œª, 4 ascii ◊÷Ω⁄)\r\n\r\n%s?\t∂ÃŒƒº˛√˚(»Á: %sN) Example:\t%h%p/%n%q.%t\n->\t\tc:\\mirror\\www.someweb.com\\someimages\\image.gif æ¿˝:\t%h%p/%n%q.%t\n->\t\tc:\\mirror\\www.someweb.com\\someimages\\image.gif Proxy settings ¥˙¿Ì…Ë÷√ Proxy address: ¥˙¿Ìµÿ÷∑: Proxy port: ¥˙¿Ì∂Àø⁄: Authentication (only if needed) …Ì∑›—È÷§ (»Á»Ù–Ë“™) Login µ«¬º Password ø⁄¡Ó Enter proxy address here ‘⁄¥À ‰»Î¥˙¿Ìµÿ÷∑ Enter proxy port here ‘⁄¥À ‰»Î¥˙¿Ì∂Àø⁄ Enter proxy login ‰»Î¥˙¿Ì∑˛ŒÒΔ˜µ«¬º–≈œ¢ Enter proxy password ‰»Î¥˙¿Ì∑˛ŒÒΔ˜À˘–Ëø⁄¡Ó Enter project name here ‘⁄¥À ‰»Îπ§≥Ã√˚ Enter saving path here ‘⁄¥À ‰»Î◊‹±£¥Ê¬∑æ∂ Select existing project to update «Î—°‘Ò“ª∏ˆ“—”–µƒπ§≥Ó‘∏¸–¬ Click here to select path µ„ª˜¥À¥¶“‘—°‘Ò¬∑æ∂ HTTrack Project Wizard... HTTrack π§≥Üڵº... New project name: –¬π§≥õƒ√˚≥Δ: Existing project name: œ÷”–π§≥õƒ√˚≥Δ: Project name: π§≥Ã√˚: Base path: ◊‹±£¥Ê¬∑æ∂: C:\\My Web Sites C:\\My Websites Type a new project name, \r\nor select existing project to update/resume «Îº¸»Î“ª∏ˆ–¬µƒπ§≥Ã√˚, \r\nªÚ—°‘Ò“—”–π§≥Ó‘∏¸–¬ªÚºÃ–¯ New project –¬µƒπ§≥à Insert URL ≤»ÎURL URL: URLµÿ÷∑: Authentication (only if needed) …Ì∑›—È÷§ (»Á»Ù–Ë“™) Login µ«¬º Password ø⁄¡Ó Forms or complex links: ±Ì∏ÒªÚ∏¥‘”¡¥Ω”: Capture URL... ≤∂ªÒURLµÿ÷∑... Enter URL address(es) here «Î‘⁄¥À ‰»ÎURLµÿ÷∑ Enter site login «Î ‰»Î’浄µ«¬º√˚ Enter site password «Î ‰»Î’浄µ«¬Ωø⁄¡Ó Use this capture tool for links that can only be accessed through forms or javascript code π”√¥Àπ§æfl≤∂ªÒ÷ªƒ‹Õ®π˝±Ì∏ÒªÚjava¥˙¬Î∑√Œ µΩµƒ¡¥Ω” Choose language according to preference «Î∏˘æ›∏ˆ»Àœ≤∫√—°‘ÒΩÁ√ʔԗ‘ Catch URL! ≤∂ªÒURLµÿ÷∑! Please set temporary browser proxy settings to the following values (Copy/Paste Proxy Address and Port).\nThen click on the Form SUBMIT button in your browser page, or click on the specific link you want to capture. «Îœ»‘› ±Ω´‰Ø¿¿Δ˜µƒ¥˙¿Ì…ËŒ™»Áœ¬ ˝÷µ(øΩ±¥/’≥Ã˘¥˙¿Ìµÿ÷∑∫Õ∂Àø⁄).\n»ª∫Ûµ„ª˜‰Ø¿¿Δ˜“≥√Ê…œ±Ì∏ÒµƒSUBMIT∞¥≈•, ªÚµ„ª˜œÎ“™≤∂ªÒµƒ¡¥Ω” This will send the desired link from your browser to WinHTTrack. À˘–˵ƒ¡¥Ω”Ω´¥”‰Ø¿¿Δ˜±ªÀÕ÷¡WinHTTrack. ABORT ∑≈Δ˙ Copy/Paste the temporary proxy parameters here ‘⁄¥ÀøΩ±¥/’≥Ã˘‘› ±µƒ¥˙¿Ì≤Œ ˝ Cancel »°œ˚ Unable to find Help files! Œfi∑®’“µΩ∞Ô÷˙Œƒº˛! Unable to save parameters! Œfi∑®±£¥Ê≤Œ ˝! Please drag only one folder at a time «Î√ø¥Œ÷ªÕœ“ª∏ˆŒƒº˛º– Please drag only folders, not files «Î≤ª“™ÕœŒƒº˛, ÷ªÕœŒƒº˛º– Please drag folders only «Î÷ªÕœŒƒº˛º– Select user-defined structure? —°‘Ò”√ªß◊‘∂®“ÂΩ·ππ¬? Please ensure that the user-defined-string is correct,\notherwise filenames will be bogus! «Î»∑±£”√ªß∂®“µƒ◊÷∑˚¥Æµƒ’˝»∑–‘,\n∑Ò‘Ú…˙≥…Œƒº˛√˚ ±ø…ƒ‹≥ˆ¥Ì! Do you really want to use a user-defined structure? ’ʵƒ“™ π”√”√ªß◊‘∂®“ÂΩ·ππ¬? Too manu URLs, cannot handle so many links!! π˝∂‡URLsµÿ÷∑, Œfi∑®¥¶¿Ì!! Not enough memory, fatal internal error.. ƒ⁄¥Ê≤ª◊„, ∑¢…˙÷¬√¸ƒ⁄≤ø¥ÌŒÛ! Unknown operation! Œ¥÷™≤Ÿ◊˜! Add this URL?\r\n Ã̺”¥ÀURL? Warning: main process is still not responding, cannot add URL(s).. æØ∏Ê: ÷˜Ω¯≥ÃŒ¥”–œÏ”¶, ≤ªƒ‹Ã̺”URL(s).. Type/MIME associations Œƒº˛¿‡–Õ/¿©’ππÿ¡™ File types: Œƒº˛¿‡–Õ: MIME identity: MIME identity Select or modify your file type(s) here ‘⁄¥À—°‘ÒªÚ–fi∏ƒŒƒº˛¿‡–Õ Select or modify your MIME type(s) here ‘⁄¥À—°‘ÒªÚ–fi∏ƒπÿ¡™Œƒº˛¿‡–Õ Go up œÚ…œ Go down œÚœ¬ File download information Œƒº˛œ¬‘ÿ–≈œ¢ Freeze Window À¯∂®¥∞ø⁄–≈œ¢ More information: ∏¸∂‡–≈œ¢: Welcome to WinHTTrack Website Copier!\n\nPlease click on the NEXT button to\n\n- start a new project\n- or resume a partial download ª∂”≠ π”√WinHTTrack Website Copier!\n\n«Îµ„ª˜'Next' “‘\n\n- ø™ º“ª∏ˆ–¬µƒπ§≥Ã\n- ªÚºÃ–¯÷¥––“ª∏ˆ“‘«∞µƒæµœÒ File names with extension:\nFile names containing:\nThis file name:\nFolder names containing:\nThis folder name:\nLinks on this domain:\nLinks on domains containing:\nLinks from this host:\nLinks containing:\nThis link:\nALL LINKS Œƒº˛√˚÷–∞¸∫¨¿©’π√˚:\nŒƒº˛√˚÷–∞¸∫¨:\n¥ÀŒƒº˛√˚:\nŒƒº˛º–√˚÷–∞¸∫¨:\n¥ÀŒƒº˛º–√˚:\n¥À”Ú√˚:\n”Ú√˚÷–∞¸∫¨:\n¥À÷˜ª˙:\n¡¥Ω”÷–∞¸∫¨:\n¥À¡¥Ω”:\nÀ˘”–¡¥Ω” Show all\nHide debug\nHide infos\nHide debug and infos œ‘ æ»´≤øƒ⁄»›\n“˛≤ÿ¥ÌŒÛ\n“˛≤ÿœ˚œ¢\n“˛≤ÿ¥ÌŒÛ∫Õœ˚œ¢ Site-structure (default)\nHtml in web/, images/other files in web/images/\nHtml in web/html, images/other in web/images\nHtml in web/, images/other in web/\nHtml in web/, images/other in web/xxx, where xxx is the file extension\nHtml in web/html, images/other in web/xxx\nSite-structure, without www.domain.xxx/\nHtml in site_name/, images/other files in site_name/images/\nHtml in site_name/html, images/other in site_name/images\nHtml in site_name/, images/other in site_name/\nHtml in site_name/, images/other in site_name/xxx\nHtml in site_name/html, images/other in site_name/xxx\nAll files in web/, with random names (gadget !)\nAll files in site_name/, with random names (gadget !)\nUser-defined structure.. ’浄‘≠”–Ω·ππ(»± °)\nhtmlŒƒº˛‘⁄web/, ÕºΔ¨∫ÕΔ‰À˚Œƒº˛‘⁄web/images/\nhtmlŒƒº˛‘⁄web/html, ÕºΔ¨∫ÕΔ‰À˚Œƒº˛‘⁄web/images\nhtmlŒƒº˛‘⁄web/, ÕºΔ¨∫ÕΔ‰À˚Œƒº˛“≤‘⁄web/\nhtmlŒƒº˛‘⁄web/, ÕºΔ¨∫ÕΔ‰À˚Œƒº˛‘⁄web/xxx, xxxŒ™Œƒº˛¿©’π√˚\nhtmlŒƒº˛‘⁄web/html, ÕºΔ¨∫ÕΔ‰À˚Œƒº˛‘⁄web/xxx\n’浄‘≠”–Ω·ππ(»•µÙwww.domain.xxx/)\nhtmlŒƒº˛‘⁄site_name/, ÕºΔ¨∫ÕΔ‰À˚Œƒº˛‘⁄site_name/images/\nhtmlŒƒº˛‘⁄site_name/html, ÕºΔ¨∫ÕΔ‰À˚Œƒº˛‘⁄site_name/images\nhtmlŒƒº˛‘⁄site_name/, ÕºΔ¨∫ÕΔ‰À˚Œƒº˛“≤‘⁄site_name/\nhtmlŒƒº˛‘⁄site_name/, ÕºΔ¨∫ÕΔ‰À˚Œƒº˛‘⁄site_name/xxx\nhtmlŒƒº˛‘⁄site_name/html, ÕºΔ¨∫ÕΔ‰À˚Œƒº˛‘⁄site_name/xxx\nÀ˘”–Œƒº˛‘⁄web/, Œƒº˛√˚»Œ“‚≤˙…˙\nÀ˘”–Œƒº˛‘⁄site_name/, Œƒº˛√˚»Œ“‚≤˙…˙\n”√ªß◊‘∂®“ÂΩ·ππ.. Just scan\nStore html files\nStore non html files\nStore all files (default)\nStore html files first ÷ª◊ˆ…®√Ë\n÷ª±£¥ÊhtmlŒƒº˛\n÷ª±£¥Ê∑«htmlŒƒº˛\n±£¥ÊÀ˘”–Œƒº˛ (»± °)\nœ»±£¥ÊhtmlŒƒº˛ Stay in the same directory\nCan go down (default)\nCan go up\nCan both go up & down Õ£¡Ù”⁄Õ¨“ªƒø¬º\n‘ –ÌÕ˘œ¬Ω¯–– (»± °)\n‘ –ÌÕ˘…œΩ¯––\n…œœ¬∂º‘ –ÌΩ¯–– Stay on the same address (default)\nStay on the same domain\nStay on the same top level domain\nGo everywhere on the web Õ£¡Ù”⁄Õ¨“ªµÿ÷∑ (»± °)\nÕ£¡Ù”⁄Õ¨“ª”Ú√˚\nÕ£¡Ù”⁄Õ¨“ª∂•º∂”Ú√˚\n»Œ∫ŒÕ¯¬Áµÿ÷∑ Never\nIf unknown (except /)\nIf unknown ¥”≤ª\n»Áπ˚Œ¥÷™ (/ ≥˝Õ‚)\n»Áπ˚Œ¥÷™ no robots.txt rules\nrobots.txt except wizard\nfollow robots.txt rules ≤ª◊Ò ÿrobots.txt\n◊Ò ÿπ˝¬ÀΔ˜”≈œ»”⁄robots.txt\nÕÍ»´◊Ò ÿrobots.txt normal\nextended\ndebug Δ’Õ®»’÷æ\n¿©’π»’÷æ\n≥˝¥Ì»’÷æ Download web site(s)\nDownload web site(s) + questions\nGet individual files\nDownload all sites in pages (multiple mirror)\nTest links in pages (bookmark test)\n* Continue interrupted download\n* Update existing download œ¬‘ÿÕ¯’æ\nœ¬‘ÿÕ¯’æ + ÷Œ \nœ¬‘ÿ∏ˆ±Œƒº˛\nœ¬‘ÿ“≥√Ê÷–µƒÀ˘”–’浄 (∂‡∏ˆæµœÒ)\n≤‚ ‘“≥√Ê÷–µƒ¡¥Ω” ( È«©≤‚ ‘)\n* ºÃ–¯±ª÷–∂œµƒæµœÒ\n* ∏¸–¬“—”–æµœÒ Relative URI / Absolute URL (default)\nAbsolute URL / Absolute URL\nAbsolute URI / Absolute URL\nOriginal URL / Original URL œ‡∂‘µÿ÷∑ / æ¯∂‘µÿ÷∑ (»± °)\næ¯∂‘µÿ÷∑ / æ¯∂‘µÿ÷∑\næ¯∂‘µÿ÷∑ / æ¯∂‘µÿ÷∑\n‘≠ º µÿ÷∑ / ‘≠ ºµÿ÷∑